Nos distinctions

Prix et disctinctions

1988 to today    Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German sponsorship organization for the academically gifted, promoting excellence, funding, scholars)

1993 to today           Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD grant and alumni membership

1995 to 1997             BASF Forschungsprogramm Post-Doc Grant Program

2004                          Laureate of company creation program ANVAR

2011 to 2015             Prime d’excellence scientifique INSERM

2012 to today           Elected member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

2014 to 2020           European Research Council (ERC) advanced grant

2019 to today           Elected member of the German National Academy of Sciences — Leopoldina

Ludger Johannes has been elected as member of the Leopoldina, German National Science Academy. He has joined the Genetics/Molecular Biology and Cell Biology section. Leopoldina is the world’s oldest academy involved in natural sciences; its members are distinguished scientists from all over the world