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Intégrité du génome, ARN et Cancer (UMR3348)

The research conducted at the « Genome Integrity, RNA and Cancer » Unit explores multiple aspects of genome dynamics that integrate RNA biology in the context of genome maintenance and expression in normal and pathological situations, including cancer.

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Événements scientifiques
10 juin
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Salle polyvalente du Bâtiment 111
Cracking the 9+2 Code of Motile Cilia
The axoneme of motile cilia is the largest macromolecular machine of eukaryotic cells. In humans, impaired axoneme function causes a range of ciliopathies. In most motile cilia, the axoneme has a 9+2 architecture in which nine doublet microtubules surround a central pair of singlet microtubules. Use single-particle cryo-EM, we could visualize and build atomic models of the native repeating structu
26 avr
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Salle polyvalente du Bâtiment 111
On the multiple roads to cell fate decisions: Integrating transcription factors into RNA-regulatory networks
While the current view states that Transcription Factors (TFs) act on DNA regulatory elements to deploy precise gene programs, an emerging concept proposes that TFs also bind RNA and regulate splicing to promote molecular and cellular diversity. Yet, how the RNA regulatory functions of TFs contribute to their key role in cell fates remains puzzling. From in vitro interaction to tissue development,
3 avr
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Salle polyvalente du Bâtiment 111
Vimentin intermediate filaments: network architecture and crosstalk with microtubules
The spatial organization and dynamics of the cytoskeleton play crucial roles for various cellular functions. However, despite their essential roles in processes such as cell migration, mechanical stress resilience, and maintaining cellular integrity, the complex nature of vimentin intermediate filament networks continues to elude our understanding. Unlike actin and microtubules, recreating physiol
21 Mar
Séminaire institutionnel "Mayent - Rothschild"
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111
A garden of forking paths: branching, switching and reversal in meiotic recombination
Meiotic recombination involves repair of double strand DNA breaks by homologous recombination to form crossovers and noncrossovers. Current models suggest that different mechanisms form these two products: noncrossovers by synthesis dependent strand annealing; COs by double Holliday junction formation and resolution. In testing these predictions, we found evidence for remarkable dynamism during me
15 déc
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111
The dangerous combination of DNA structures and chromosome gaps: implications for repeat instability and cell survival
The Freudenreich lab uses the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast) as a model organism to study genome instability. In particular, we investigate the molecular basis of two related types of DNA mutations:  repeat expansions and chromosome fragility.  Expansion of repeat sequences is the cause of more than 20 inherited diseases including Huntington's disease, Fragil
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