Branching Morphogenesis of Neuronal Dendrites

25 juin - 14h00 - 23h59

Centre de recherche - Orsay

Salle polyvalente du Bâtiment 111

Campus universitaire, Orsay (91)


Branched dendritic arbors support the high connectivity of the nervous system by providing a large surface area for synaptic or sensory inputs. An outstanding question is how molecular processes - cytoskeletal and membrane transport - create dendritic structures as large as millimeters in extent, with branch characteristics - length, density and diameter - that are optimized for their biological function. We are studying this problem during fly development especially the role of microtubules and dynamic instability of dendrite growth.


Joe Howard

Yale University, New Haven, USA -

Invité(es) par

Carsten Janke

Institut Curie

Une question sur le séminaire ?

Carsten Janke