Engineering synthetic cells with RNA origami

12 février - 11h30 - 12h30

Centre de recherche - Paris

Amphithéâtre Marie Curie

Pavillon Curie, 11 rue Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris 5ème


Today’s living cells emerge from the complex interplay of thousands of molecular constituents. Our vision is to create a simpler model of a cell that consists of a lipid vesicle and operates based on our own custom-engineered molecular hardware made from highly functional and folded RNA realized using the co-transcriptional RNA origami. Building on previous work with DNA nanotechnology, where we demonstrated DNA-based mimics of cytoskeletons, capable of cargo transport, force generation and signal transduction, we now demonstrated that similar functions can be genetically encoded with RNA origami and expressed inside of vesicles. We developed a high-throughput image-based screening technology based on photopolymerization, to select for highly functional variants of the initially rationally engineered synthetic cells. Ultimately, by coupling vesicle division to their informational content and their function, we aim for a prototype of an RNA origami-based synthetic cell capable of evolution.


PCC Seminar Team


Kerstin Göpfrich

Heidelberg University

Invité(es) par

Xingyi Cheng

Institut Curie

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