Formation and remodeling of tubular networks in the mouse pancreas and in organoids

28 novembre - 09h30 - 23h59

Centre de recherche - Paris

Amphithéâtre Constant-Burg - 12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5e

12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5ème


Anne Grapin-Botton has a background in developmental biology and initially studied nervous system and endoderm development. Her laboratory is currently focusing on pancreas development with the overall goals of understanding how pancreatic cells differentiate during embryogenesis, and determining what limits the pancreatic cells’ regeneration in adults. More specifically, Professor Grapin-Botton and her group investigate the impact of the cellular and organ architecture on the cells’ fate choices and the dynamics of decision processes.



Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

Invité(es) par

Allison BARDIN

Institut Curie

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