'From genome-wide analyses to a novel factor implicated in epigenetic inheritance: Unraveling the mechanisms of heterochromatin regulation'

21 octobre - 11h00 - 12h

Centre de recherche - Orsay

Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111

Campus universitaire, Orsay (91)


"Eterochromatin, a specialized type of chromatin, is crucial for gene regulation and genome stability. While we understand some of the structural and enzymatic components involved in heterochromatin formation, a complete picture of the underlying pathways remains elusive. To address this, we developed a systematic approach to identify factors involved in heterochromatin silencing in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using quantitative measures, iterative screens, and domain-specific heterochromatin reporters, we identified hundreds of mutants with altered silencing patterns. Surprisingly, most of these factors exhibited distinct qualitative and quantitative profiles, suggesting domain-specific functions. One such factor, the uncharacterized protein Dhm2, was found to be crucial for maintaining both constitutive and facultative heterochromatin. Interestingly, the loss of Dhm2 led to phenotypes similar to those seen in DNA replication-deficient mutants, indicating a potential link between DNA replication and epigenetic inheritance. Our findings highlight the intricate relationship between DNA replication and heterochromatin maintenance, providing new insights into the mechanisms underlying epigenetic inheritance".


J. Braun Prof. Dr. Sigurd

Institute for Genetics - Justus-Liebig-University Giessen

Invité(es) par


Institut Curie

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