Hands-on tour of the single cell analysis journey, from cloud to loupe to community-developed tools

27 septembre - 09h00 - 15h30

Centre de recherche - Paris


In this seminar, you will be introduced to the single cell gene expression analysis journey. Analysis begins at experimental design. Together we will explore a set of neutrophil data starting with the 10x Cloud Analysis platform for raw data processing. From there, we will assess the data quality using the Cell Ranger web summary and then move into the Loupe Browser for our initial analysis. We will take what we have learned from the Loupe analysis into the community-developed tools space where we will further explore neutrophil cell development with an RNA velocity analysis. To wrap things up, each participant will have the opportunity to map out their own analysis journey moving forward by sitting down with members of the Applied Bioinformatics team and other experts from 10x Genomics.

Registration is free but mandatory: https://pages.10xgenomics.com/SMR-2024-09-EVENT-EMEA-BIOINFORMATICS-WORKSHOP-PARIS_LP.html


Leanne De Koning

Institut Curie

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