Imaging cardiomyocyte dynamics during regeneration

22 janvier - 11h30 - 23h59

Centre de recherche - Paris

Amphithéâtre Marie Curie

Pavillon Curie, 11 rue Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris 5ème


The zebrafish can robustly regenerate its heart following an injury. During the regenerative process, new tissue such as cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells and fibroblasts are generated in order to replace the lost tissue. How these cell types communicate with each other and the environment (extracellular matrix) in order to properly co-ordinate regeneration is unclear. In this talk, i will present our efforts in using live timelapse imaging with ex vivo cultures of adult hearts to directly visualise and understand the cellular dynamics during regeneration.


PCC Seminar Team

Institut Curie


Phong Nguyen

Institut Curie

Invité(es) par

Wolfgang Keil

Institut Curie

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