Molecular Imaging and Microphysiological Culture Systems towards Improved Radiotherapy Guidance

28 mai - 14h00 - 23h59

Centre de recherche - Orsay

Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111

Campus universitaire, Orsay (91)


The presentation will focus on our recent and ongoing work in the fields of MRI-guided radiotherapy (and sentinel node biopsy) and on the development of microphysiological culture systems for radiobiological studies. In close collaboration with Ferronova, our team is developing a family of MRI contrast agent based on iron oxide nanoparticles. The first generation of the FerroTrace technology is targeted to lymphoid cells via small molecule ligands and a polymeric coating designed to mitigate the protein corona. On the back of a now completed successful Phase 1 trial in cancer of the oral cavity (ACTRN12620000831987), the MAGICSENT multi-centre trial (ACTRN12621000748819) is now underway with a focus of upper gastrointestinal cancer. Leveraging the expertise gained in developing FerroTrace, our team is presently developing a molecular MRI agent targeted to tumour tissues towards enhancing tumour margin detection and consequently treatment guidance/planning. A specific focus is on the Fibroblast activation protein (FAP), an extracellular transmembrane protein expressed in the stromal and vascular tumour microenvironment of most carcinoma.

Recognising the potential of microphysiological culture systems in delivering new radiobiological knowledge and the importance of controlling the in vitro culture environment, the talk will also briefly discuss several approaches developed at the University of South Australia. For example, I will discuss the use of a 3D printed cassette that enables high throughput measurements of the proton Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) along Spread-Out Bragg Peaks.


Guillaume Bort

Institut Curie


Benjamin Thierry, PhD

University of South Australia

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Guillaume Bort