Proton FLASH Radiotherapy: Niche application or transforming modality ?

11 février - 11h30 - 23h59

Centre de recherche - Paris

Amphithéâtre Marie Curie

Pavillon Curie, 11 rue Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris 5ème


Despite technological advances in conformal delivery of Radiation Therapy (RT), there is still incidental dose deposition to normal tissues resulting in significant toxicities and morbidity, thereby limiting the efficacy of some RT modalities. About a decade ago, landmark animal studies using ultra-high dose rate (“FLASH”) RT, generated tremendous excitement due to this modality’s reduced normal tissue toxicity and equipotency with conventional RT in controlling tumor growth. Since then, numerous studies have demonstrated similar results in multiple mouse models and larger animals. Remarkably, a safety-feasibility clinical trial with proton FLASH RT in patients with metastatic bone cancer has been completed and others are ongoing or  being planned. The mechanisms behind the sparing effects of FLASH are still obscure and actively being investigated. In this talk, I will present recently published and unpublished results from our group and collaborators, under a multi-institutional, NIH-funded P01 project on particle FLASH therapy.  Using mouse and canine normal and tumor tissues, we found strong evidence supporting normal tissue, by proton FLASH and equipotent activity against tumors between Standard and FLASH RT. I will present data in support of a planned clinical trial using conformal FLASHRT for Head and Neck cancer, involving mouse models and canine patients.  Finally, I will also discuss potential mechanisms behind this effect, as well as critical parameters and unanswered questions which impact optimal clinical implementation of FLASH RT.


Dr. Costas Kouménis

Penn RadOnc Department

Invité(es) par

Charles Fouillade

Institut Curie

Une question sur le séminaire ?

Charles Fouillade