Publishing in Science Immunology: An Inside Look

3 février - 15h00 - 16h

Hôpital site de Paris

Amphithéâtre Constant-Burg - 12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5e

12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5ème


Science Immunology publishes original, peer-reviewed, science-based research articles that report critical advances in all areas of immunological research, including important new tools and techniques. The editors encourage submission of original research findings from all areas within the broad field of immunology from all model organisms, including humans. Areas covered range from basic studies into the biology of innate and adaptive immunity (immune cell development and differentiation, immunogenomics, systems immunology, structural immunology, antigen presentation, immunometabolism, and mucosal immunology) to immune contributions to health and disease (host defense, inflammation, cancer immunology, autoimmunity, allergy, transplantation, and immunodeficiency). The editors and an international advisory group of scientists hold Science Immunology articles to the same high-quality standard that is the hallmark of the Science family of journals.


Seth Scanlon

Invité(es) par

Sebastian Amigorena

Institut Curie

Nathalie Amzallag

Institut Curie

Une question sur le séminaire ?

Sebastian Amigorena

Nathalie Amzallag

Nathalie Amzallag