‘RNA-binding proteins in cancer: lessons from CSDE1’

27 septembre - 11h00 - 12h

Centre de recherche - Orsay

Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111

Campus universitaire, Orsay (91)


"RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) modulate all aspects of post-transcriptional gene expression and are increasingly recognized as essential for cancer cell adaptation, reprogramming and stress survival. We aim to identify novel vulnerabilities of metastatic cells that could be harnessed for cancer treatment. My talk will focus on the RNA-binding protein UNR/CSDE1, a protein conserved from flies to humans for which we found a role in melanoma metastasis. I will explain our efforts to untangle the molecular mechanisms of CSDE1 function, its context-specific roles in cancer, and the identification of features that could be targeted for regulation”.



Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

Invité(es) par

Stéphan VAGNER

Institut Curie

Une question sur le séminaire ?

Stéphan VAGNER


Stéphan VAGNER