Scientific Publishing: Behind the Scenes at Nature

26 avril - 14h00 - 23h59

Centre de recherche - Paris

Amphithéâtre Hélène Martel-Massignac (BDD)

11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie - 75005 Paris


A fundamental part of scientific research is publishing your research findings. But once you have submitted your paper to a journal, it can seem like a daunting black box regarding what actually happens to your paper and how authors can successfully navigate the various steps of the publication process. In this presentation, I will share my experience as an editor at Nature to demystify the editorial procedures at a high-profile journal, including insight into what editors look for, and how authors can best respond to the challenges of the publication system (such as peer review). Life as an editor is a fascinating job to have, so I will also highlight aspects relevant to anyone who might be interested in pursuing an editorial career. The session will be intentionally informal, with early-career researchers particularly welcome. Please feel free to bring your own questions and I will be delighted to answer any queries you have.


Darren Burgess


Invité(es) par

Raphaël Rodriguez

Institut Curie

Une question sur le séminaire ?

Raphaël Rodriguez