2C-Cas9: a versatile tool for clonal analysis of gene function

1 mai 2016Genome Research

DOI : 10.1101/gr.196170.115


Vincenzo Di Donato, Flavia De Santis, Thomas O. Auer, Noé Testa, Héctor Sánchez-Iranzo, Nadia Mercader, Jean-Paul Concordet, Filippo Del Bene


CRISPR/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis allows efficient generation of loss-of-function alleles in zebrafish. To date, this technology has been primarily used to generate genetic knockout animals. Nevertheless, the study of the function of certain loci might require tight spatiotemporal control of gene inactivation. Here, we show that tissue-specific gene disruption can be achieved by driving Cas9 expression with the Gal4/UAS system. Furthermore, by combining the Gal4/UAS and Cre/loxP systems, we establish a versatile tool to genetically label mutant cell clones, enabling their phenotypic analysis. Our technique has the potential to be applied to diverse model organisms, enabling tissue-specific loss-of-function and phenotypic characterization of live and fixed tissues.