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  • Activation of IFN/STAT1 signalling predicts response to chemotherapy in oestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer

Activation of IFN/STAT1 signalling predicts response to chemotherapy in oestrogen receptor-negative breast cancer

1 janv. 2016British Journal of Cancer

DOI : 10.1038/bjc.2015.398


Marie-Emmanuelle Legrier, Ivan Bièche, Julie Gaston, Arnaud Beurdeley, Vanessa Yvonnet, Olivier Déas, Aurélie Thuleau, Sophie Château-Joubert, Jean-Luc Servely, Sophie Vacher, Myriam Lassalle, Stéphane Depil, Gordon C Tucker, Jean-Jacques Fontaine, Marie-France Poupon, Sergio Roman-Roman, Jean-Gabriel Judde, Didier Decaudin, Stefano Cairo, Elisabetta Marangoni