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  • Adrenal GIPR expression and chromosome 19q13 microduplications in GIP-dependent Cushing’s syndrome

Adrenal GIPR expression and chromosome 19q13 microduplications in GIP-dependent Cushing’s syndrome

21 sept. 2017JCI Insight

DOI : 10.1172/jci.insight.92184


Anne-Lise Lecoq, Constantine A. Stratakis, Say Viengchareun, Ronan Chaligné, Lucie Tosca, Vianney Deméocq, Mirella Hage, Annabel Berthon, Fabio R. Faucz, Patrick Hanna, Hadrien-Gaël Boyer, Nicolas Servant, Sylvie Salenave, Gérard Tachdjian, Clovis Adam, Vanessa Benhamo, Eric Clauser, Anne Guiochon-Mantel, Jacques Young, Marc Lombès, Isabelle Bourdeau, Dominique Maiter, Antoine Tabarin, Jérôme Bertherat, Hervé Lefebvre, Wouter de Herder, Estelle Louiset, André Lacroix, Philippe Chanson, Jérôme Bouligand, Peter Kamenický