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  • Aryl hydrocarbon receptor–dependent enrichment of a megakaryocytic precursor with a high potential to produce proplatelets

Aryl hydrocarbon receptor–dependent enrichment of a megakaryocytic precursor with a high potential to produce proplatelets

5 mai 2016Blood

DOI : 10.1182/blood-2015-09-670208


Catherine Strassel, Nathalie Brouard, Lea Mallo, Nicolas Receveur, Pierre Mangin, Anita Eckly, Ivan Bieche, Karin Tarte, Christian Gachet, François Lanza


Key Points

Emergence of a CD34+CD41low population with a high capacity to generate proplatelet-producing MKs and functional platelet-like elements. Platelet production is inversely correlated to CYP1B1 expression, a target of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor.