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- Constitutive Siglec-1 expression by human dendritic cell precursors enables HIV-1 replication and transmission
Constitutive Siglec-1 expression by human dendritic cell precursors enables HIV-1 replication and transmission
Nicolas Ruffin, Ester Gea-MallorquÃ, Flavien Brouiller, Mabel Jouve, Aymeric Silvin, Peter See, Charles-Antoine Dutertre, Florent Ginhoux, Philippe Benaroch
Human dendritic cell (DC) lineage has been recently unraveled by high dimensional mapping revealing the existence of a discrete new population of blood circulating DC precursor (pre-DC also referred to as AS DC). Among all blood DC subsets, only pre-DC highly express Siglec-1, a lectin-like receptor able to bind HIV-1. We show that pre-DC are uniquely equipped among blood DC populations to promote HIV-1 replication and dissemination. Pre-DC stands out as the most susceptible DC population to infection by both HIV-1 CXCR4- and CCR5-tropic viral particles in a Siglec-1-dependent manner. HIV-1-infected pre-DC produce new viral progeny and transmit the virus to CD4