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  • Development and Validation of the QUALI-PALLI-FAM Questionnaire for Assessing Relatives' Perception of Quality of Inpatient Palliative Care: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Survey

Development and Validation of the QUALI-PALLI-FAM Questionnaire for Assessing Relatives' Perception of Quality of Inpatient Palliative Care: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Survey

1 mai 2021Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

DOI : 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.09.025


Frédéric Guirimand, Carole Bouleuc, Marine Sahut d'Izarn, Patricia Martel-Samb, Christian Guy-Coichard, Stéphane Picard, Bernard Devalois, Véronique Ghadi, Philippe Aegerter, Anne Abel, Laure Copel, Louise Geoffroy, Laurence Gineston, Hélène Godard, Xavier Grenet, Karima Nfissi, Jean-François Richard, Sylvie Rostaing, Yael Tibi-Lévy, Isabelle Vedel, Kate Vincent