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  • Dual inhibition of protein kinase C and p53-MDM2 or PKC and mTORC1 are novel efficient therapeutic approaches for uveal melanoma

Dual inhibition of protein kinase C and p53-MDM2 or PKC and mTORC1 are novel efficient therapeutic approaches for uveal melanoma

7 juin 2016Oncotarget

DOI : 10.18632/oncotarget.9552


Guillaume Carita, Estelle Frisch-Dit-Leitz, Ahmed Dahmani, Chloé Raymondie, Nathalie Cassoux, Sophie Piperno-Neumann, Fariba Némati, Cécile Laurent, Leanne De Koning, Ensar Halilovic, Sebastien Jeay, Andrew Wylie, Caroline Emery, Sergio Roman-Roman, Marie Schoumacher, Didier Decaudin