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  • Sensing of HIV-1 Entry Triggers a Type I Interferon Response in Human Primary Macrophages

Sensing of HIV-1 Entry Triggers a Type I Interferon Response in Human Primary Macrophages

1 août 2017Journal of Virology

DOI : 10.1128/jvi.00147-17


Jérémie Decalf, Marion Desdouits, Vasco Rodrigues, François-Xavier Gobert, Matteo Gentili, Santy Marques-Ladeira, Célia Chamontin, Marylène Mougel, Bruna Cunha de Alencar, Philippe Benaroch



Along with CD4 + T lymphocytes, macrophages are a major cellular source of HIV-1 replication and a potential viral reservoir. Following entry and reverse transcription in macrophages, cloaking of the viral cDNA by the HIV-1 capsid limits its cytosolic detection, enabling efficient replication. However, whether incoming HIV-1 particles are sensed by macrophages prior to reverse transcription remains unclear. Here, we show that HIV-1 triggers a broad expression of interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes (ISG) in monocyte-derived macrophages within a few hours after infection. This response does not require viral reverse transcription or the presence of HIV-1 RNA within particles, but viral fusion is essential. This response is elicited by viruses carrying different envelope proteins and thus different receptors to proceed for viral entry. Expression of ISG in response to viral entry requires TBK1 activity and type I IFNs signaling. Remarkably, the ISG response is transient but affects subsequent viral spread. Together, our results shed light on an early step of HIV-1 sensing by macrophages at the level of entry, which confers an early protection through type I IFN signaling and has potential implications in controlling the infection.

IMPORTANCE HIV infection is restricted to T lymphocytes and macrophages. HIV-1-infected macrophages are found in many tissues of infected patients, even under antiretroviral therapy, and are considered a viral reservoir. How HIV-1 is detected and what type of responses are elicited upon sensing remain in great part elusive. The kinetics and localization of the production of cytokines such as interferons in response to HIV is of critical importance to understanding how the infection and the immune response are established. Our study provides evidence that macrophages can detect HIV-1 as soon as it enters the cell. Interestingly, this sensing is independent of the presence of viral nucleic acids within the particles but requires their fusion with the macrophages. This triggers a low interferon response, which activates an antiviral program protecting cells against further viral challenge and thus potentially limiting the spread of the infection.
