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  • Differential CFTR-Interactome Proximity Labeling Procedures Identify Enrichment in Multiple SLC Transporters

Differential CFTR-Interactome Proximity Labeling Procedures Identify Enrichment in Multiple SLC Transporters

11 août 2022International Journal of Molecular Sciences

DOI : 10.3390/ijms23168937


Benoît Chevalier, Nesrine Baatallah, Matthieu Najm, Solène Castanier, Vincent Jung, Iwona Pranke, Anita Golec, Véronique Stoven, Stefano Marullo, Fabrice Antigny, Ida Chiara Guerrera, Isabelle Sermet-Gaudelus, Aleksander Edelman, Alexandre Hinzpeter


Proteins interacting with CFTR and its mutants have been intensively studied using different experimental approaches. These studies provided information on the cellular processes leading to proper protein folding, routing to the plasma membrane, recycling, activation and degradation. Recently, new approaches have been developed based on the proximity labeling of protein partners or proteins in close vicinity and their subsequent identification by mass spectrometry. In this study, we evaluated TurboID- and APEX2-based proximity labeling of WT CFTR and compared the obtained data to those reported in databases. The CFTR-WT interactome was then compared to that of two CFTR (G551D and W1282X) mutants and the structurally unrelated potassium channel KCNK3. The two proximity labeling approaches identified both known and additional CFTR protein partners, including multiple SLC transporters. Proximity labeling approaches provided a more comprehensive picture of the CFTR interactome and improved our knowledge of the CFTR environment.



Professeur Mines Paris Tech