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CurieCoreTech - Criblage génétique (CRISPR'it)

Cette dernière décennie a été marquée par l’émergence de nouvelles technologies de modification du génome. Publié en 2012, le système CRISPR/Cas9, qui a vu attribué le prix Nobel de Chimie aux chercheuses Emmanuelle Charpentier et Jennifer Doudna en 2020 permet, par sa grande flexibilité, l’inactivation individuelle de tous les gènes connus par coupure ciblée de l’ADN.

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Marseille [Conférence-discussion ]
- 26 septembre 2022
1 Day meeting : CRISPR Screening in Cancer Discovery

Monday, September 26th 2022
09:30 am

Le Pharo, Marseille Le pharo

«1 Day meeting : CRISPR Screening in Cancer Discovery»

Co-organised by CRISPR'it core facility (Curie) and CRISPR Action (Marseille-Nice), this first edition of the meeting will bring together an outstanding line-up of speakers in functional genomics which will cover the use of CRISPR-Cas9 screening tools for the understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying tumor growth, the discovery of new therapeutic avenues including immunotherapies and the development of state-of-the-art approaches allowing CRISPR screens in vivo, in 3D or combined with single-cell transcriptomics. There will be several opportunities for young scientists to present their work through selected talks and posters.



Registration :

Registration and abstract submission deadline is on Monday 19th of September 2022.

Best wishes,

On behalf of the organizing committee,

R. Margueron, A. Boré & M. Wassef

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