Le Centre de recherche de l’Institut Curie met à disposition de ses chercheurs et de la communauté scientifique 19 plateformes technologiques de pointe regroupées au sein du réseau CurieCoreTech. Ces installations high-tech participent à l’avancée des connaissances, à l’amélioration du diagnostic et du traitement des cancers ainsi qu’au suivi des patients. 

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Événements scientifiques
4 avr
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Hélène Martel-Massignac (BDD)
Live Single-Cell Transcriptomics
In this seminar, we will discuss Live-seq, a transformative method for single-cell gene expression profiling that eliminates the need for cell isolation and lysis. Live-seq utilizes Fluidic Force Microscopy (FluidFM) to extract cytosolic picolitre biopsies from living cells, which are subsequently analysed with a highly-sensitive RNA-seq protocol. While the resulting gene expression profiles faith
14 avr
Séminaire Initiative Single Cell
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Hélène Martel-Massignac (BDD)
Single-Cell Multi-Omics for Solid Tumor and Haematological Malignancies Research
Mission Bio's Tapestri platform allows Single-Cell multi-omics analysis with simultaneous detection of SNVs, CNVs, and cell-surface proteins, therefore enabling researchers to accurately characterise the mutational landscape of a population and reveal the impact of co-mutations and zygosity state on cell-surface protein expression.

During this seminar we will present:

- Technology overvi
29 nov
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Constant-Burg - 12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5e
Bioinfo SingleCell Seminars
Hello everyone,

The Bioinfo SingleCell Seminar of this month will be Tuesday 29th November from 10am to 11am.

We'll be happy to have Paul Klein from Joshua Waterfall Team (Curie) that will present his work:

Title: Perturb-seq analyses and challenges


"Perturb-seq (also known as CRISP-seq and CROP-seq) refers to a high-throughput m
26 Sep
Journée : Criblage CRISPR Dans La Recherche Contre Le Cancer
Co-organised by CRISPR'it core facility (Curie) and CRISPR Action (Marseille-Nice), this first edition of the meeting will bring together an outstanding line-up of speakers in functional genomics which will cover the use of CRISPR-Cas9 screening tools for the understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying tumor growth, the discovery of new therapeutic avenues including immunotherapies and
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