

Recherche - Paris
Spécialités / domaines
Biologie des systèmes,
Biologie intégrative des tumeurs, immunologie et environnement,
Intelligence artificielle

Emmanuel Barillot obtained his PhD in 1992 in biomathematics and genomics at CEPH-Généthon where he contributed to the contruction of the first human genome physical map (before sequencing era!). In 1995 he joined Infobiogen, the former French Institute of Bioinformatics where he developed research in omics data integration. In 2000 he joined INRA where he headed Génoplante-Info (the bioinformatics integration center of Génoplante program) and created the Unité de Recherche Génomique-Info (URGI). In December 2002, he joined institut Curie to develop cancer bioinformatics.

Since 2008, Emmanuel Barillot heads the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Computational Systems Biology of Cancer (U900), a joint Institut Curie and INSERM research department, in partnership with Mines ParisTech at PSL Research University. His own research focuses on Computational Systems Biology of Cancer, and aims at understanding tumorigenesis and tumor progression using computational approaches and developing methodological approaches when needed.  This means on one hand developing original statistical methods and biological network modeling approaches; and on the other hand conducting statistical analysis of high-throughput biological data, integration of heterogeneous data, and network modeling in the context of cancer. Among key results obtained by computational biology approaches are the elucidation of determinants of migration, invasion and metastasis in colon carcinoma using network modeling, the exploration of basal and luminal subtypes in bladder carcinoma using independent component analysis, or the deciphering of the signalling mechanisms explaining medulloblastoma heterogeneity.

E. Barillot is also co-Director of the institut Curie Bioinformatics Core Facility (with Philippe Hupé and Nicolas Servant), which is expert in biological data integration, omics data analysis, and support for precision medicine (in particular in the context of the France Médecine Génomique program). He also holds a Chair in Cancer Genomics at the Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (PRAIRIE). E. Barillot has published more than 200 papers in the fields of bioinformatics, biomathematics, genomics, systems biology, cancer biology, translational and clinical research, biophysics, and computer science.

Drug-target identification in COVID-19 disease mechanisms using computational systems biology approaches
Frontiers in Immunology
Anna Niarakis, Marek Ostaszewski, Alexander Mazein, Inna Kuperstein, Martina Kutmon, Marc E. Gillespie, Akira Funahashi, Marcio Luis Acencio, Ahmed Hemedan, Michael Aichem, Karsten Klein, Tobias Czauderna, Felicia Burtscher, Takahiro G. Yamada, Yusuke Hiki, Noriko F. Hiroi, Finterly Hu, Nhung Pham, Friederike Ehrhart, Egon L. Willighagen, Alberto Valdeolivas, Aurelien Dugourd, Francesco Messina, Marina Esteban-Medina, Maria Peña-Chilet, Kinza Rian, Sylvain Soliman, Sara Sadat Aghamiri, Bhanwar Lal Puniya, Aurélien Naldi, Tomáš Helikar, Vidisha Singh, Marco Fariñas Fernández, Viviam Bermudez, Eirini Tsirvouli, Arnau Montagud, Vincent Noël, Miguel Ponce-de-Leon, Dieter Maier, Angela Bauch, Benjamin M. Gyori, John A. Bachman, Augustin Luna, Janet Piñero, Laura I. Furlong, Irina Balaur, Adrien Rougny, Yohan Jarosz, Rupert W. Overall, Robert Phair, Livia Perfetto, Lisa Matthews, Devasahayam Arokia Balaya Rex, Marija Orlic-Milacic, Luis Cristobal Monraz Gomez, Bertrand De Meulder, Jean Marie Ravel, Bijay Jassal, Venkata Satagopam, Guanming Wu, Martin Golebiewski, Piotr Gawron, Laurence Calzone, Jacques S. Beckmann, Chris T. Evelo, Peter D’Eustachio, Falk Schreiber, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Joaquin Dopazo, Martin Kuiper, Alfonso Valencia, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Hiroaki Kitano, Emmanuel Barillot, Charles Auffray, Rudi Balling, Reinhard Schneider,
Models including pathological and radiomic features vs clinical models in predicting outcome of patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer treated with immunotherapy.
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Nicolas Captier, Marvin Lerousseau, Fanny Orlhac, Narinée Hovhannisyan, Marie Luporsi, Sarah Lagha, Anne-Sophie Tedesco, Paulette Salamoun Feghali, Christine Lonjou, Toulsie Ramtohul, Clément Beaulaton, Hervé Brisse, Anne Vincent-Salomon, Thomas Walter, Irène Buvat, Nicolas Girard, Emmanuel Barillot
A high-risk retinoblastoma subtype with stemness features, dedifferentiated cone states and neuronal/ganglion cell gene expression
Nature Communications
Jing Liu, Daniela Ottaviani, Meriem Sefta, Céline Desbrousses, Elodie Chapeaublanc, Rosario Aschero, Nanor Sirab, Fabiana Lubieniecki, Gabriela Lamas, Laurie Tonon, Catherine Dehainault, Clément Hua, Paul Fréneaux, Sacha Reichman, Narjesse Karboul, Anne Biton, Liliana Mirabal-Ortega, Magalie Larcher, Céline Brulard, Sandrine Arrufat, André Nicolas, Nabila Elarouci, Tatiana Popova, Fariba Némati, Didier Decaudin, David Gentien, Sylvain Baulande, Odette Mariani, Florent Dufour, Sylvain Guibert, Céline Vallot, Livia Lumbroso-Le Rouic, Alexandre Matet, Laurence Desjardins, Guillem Pascual-Pasto, Mariona Suñol, Jaume Catala-Mora, Genoveva Correa Llano, Jérôme Couturier, Emmanuel Barillot, Paula Schaiquevich, Marion Gauthier-Villars, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Lisa Golmard, Claude Houdayer, Hervé Brisse, Isabelle Bernard-Pierrot, Eric Letouzé, Alain Viari, Simon Saule, Xavier Sastre-Garau, François Doz, Angel M. Carcaboso, Nathalie Cassoux, Celio Pouponnot, Olivier Goureau, Guillermo Chantada, Aurélien de Reyniès, Isabelle Aerts, François Radvanyi