former lab members

Alumni - Notch signaling in stem cells and tumors team

Veronica Rodilla: as a post-doc, she studied the cellular hierarchies of mammary gland stem cells using lineage tracing of cells expressing the Notch1 receptor. She now leads the team “Cancer heterogeneity and hierarchies” at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Reseach Institute (IJC) in Barcelona, as a Ramon y Cajal Fellow.

Twitter: @vrodillab

Veronica Rodilla










Bethan Lloyd Lewis: as a post-doc, she set up intravital microscopy in the lab and analysed the phenotypes of B-catenin activation in different mammary stem cells. She is now group leader at the University of Bristol, UK, as a Vice Chancellor's Fellow.

Twitter: @BethLloydLewis

Bethan Lloyd-Lewis










Daniel Lafkas: as a PhD student, he investigated the lineage relationships between mammary stem cells and the role of the Notch3 receptor in mammary development and breast cancer. He is now a Senior Scientist at Genentech, San Francisco.

Daniel Lafkas










Anna Lilja: as a post-doc, she unveiled the unipotency of embryonic mammary stem cells and revealed the plasticity of adult mammary progenitors upon Notch activation. She now works in a biopharma in Stockholm, Sweden.

Anna Lilja










Meghan Perkins: as a post-doc, she started a project aimed at defining lineage specification of mammary stem cells using a novel in vivo barcoding approach. She now works at EFS Île-de-France.

Meghan Perkins










Guillaume Jacquemin: as a PhD student, he revealed a novel mechanism of paracrine communication between cancer and normal cells in colon cancer. He also developed a novel intravital imaging device. He is now self-employed at InfenX.

Guillaume jacquemin










Larissa Mourao: as a PhD student, she characterized the cells expressing the Notch1 receptor within intestinal tumors and colon cancer. She is now post-doc in the team of Colinda Scheele at the VIB institute in Leuven, Belgium.

Twitter: @larissamourao_

Larissa Mourao










Camille Landragin: as a Master student, she studied branching morphogenesis and lineage specification during mammary embryonic development. She now obtained a PhD at Institut Curie, in the team of Celine Vallot.

Twitter: @CamilleLandrag3














Alessandro Dasti: as a Leonardo Da Vinci Unipharma Master student, he studied the role of Notch1-expressing cells in the mouse mammary gland using 3D organotypic mammary cultures. After obtaining a PhD at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, he now works at ICON Pharmaceutical, as a clinical research associate.

Alessandro Dasti










Annabelle Wurmser: as a Master student, she studied paracrine signaling between tumor and wild-type intestinal cells in 3D organoids. She is now a PhD student at the Wellcome - MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute in Cambridge, UK.

Twitter: @AnnabelWurmser

Annabelle Wurmser










Anne-Sophie Lancelot: as a Master student, she studied cell fate specification of mouse embryonic mammary stem cells in ex vivo embryonic explant cultures. She is now a research engineer at the institut de Biologie Valrose – iBV in Nice, France.

Anne-Sophie Lancelot









Chaido Ori: as a master student, she characterized prostate stem cells that express the different Notch receptors during prostate development and regeneration. She is now a PhD student at the Institute of Stem Cell Research, Helmholtz Zentrum in München, DE.

Chaido Ori










Fairouz Qasrawi: as a Master student, she optimized lentiviral infection of intestinal organoids to apply CRISPR/Cas9 and generate mutant organoids. She is now a PhD student at the Medizinische Hochschule in Hannover, DE.

Fairouz Qasrawi










Francesca Gobbo: as a Leonardo Da Vinci Unipharma Master student, she studied the role of Wnt signaling in regulating cell fate in the mammary gland. She is now a PhD student in the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bologna.

Francesca Gobbo









Laura Barnabei: as a Leonardo Da Vinci Unipharma Master student, she studied prostate stem cells and progenitors by Notch lineage tracing assays. She obtained a PhD at Necker Hospital and she is now a post-doc at the Institute of Oncology Research, IOR in Bellinzona, Switzerland.

Laura Barnabei










Elizabeth Scheibe: as a summer student for two consecutive years, she helped setting up intravital imaging experiments of branching mouse mammary glands. She is now an MD/PhD student at Yale University, US.

Elizabeth Scheibe










Ulysse Cherqui: as a Master student, he was involved in a project aimed at identifying the factors regulating lineage commitment during mammary gland embryogenesis. He is now a PhD student at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.

Twitter: @ulyssecherqui

Ulysse Cherqui










Veronique Gebala: as a Master student, she dissected the heterogeneity of luminal mammary stem cells through Notch1 and Notch3 lineage tracing. After obtaining a PhD at the Francis Crick Institute in London, UK, she is now Senior Editor at Nature in Berlin, DE.

Twitter: @vgebala

Veronique Gebala











Samir Djaber: as a technician, he assisted in developing the InfenX flexible intravital imaging device.

Samir Djaber










Naoual Menssouri: as a bioinformatician, she assisted in the analysis of the transcriptional profile of Notch1-expressing stem cells in intestinal tumors. She is now a PhD student at the Institut Gustave Roussy in Villejuif, France.


Daniel Li (visiting MD)


Brice Pichard (M1)


Jesssy Etienne (M1)


Vincent Brelle (M1)


Maxence Maugis (BTS student in Biotechnology)


Avni Mehta (undergrad)