

The CYTPIC platform has benefited from the IBiSA label since 2021.

As mentioned on the website of IBiSA, a scientific interest group, the criteria for awarding this quality label to a platform are as follows:

A platform is the grouping on the same site or several sites of equipment and human resources intended to offer a community of users high-level technological resources. By adopting this charter, the platform is committed to wide openness at regional and national level, not only to site teams, but also to external experimenters, regardless of their affiliation (public bodies, companies, etc.). The recognition of a platform and the specific means (funding, staff) that result from it are conditioned by general specifications, which can be specified according to the theme of the platform.

As the platform must be open to teams from outside the site, the premises assigned to it must have a sufficient surface area to accommodate users. This openness also requires staff dedicated to the platform who have the capacity to meet the demand for service and supervision.

Operation and management
The operation and animation of the platform are the responsibility of well-identified people. The platform has a steering body(ies) to define, in particular, the strategy for the acquisition of equipment and the development of services according to current technological developments, as well as its economic model. The platform formally displays the service offer, access conditions and associated prices. To support the proper functioning of the platform, the GIS IBiSA recommends the implementation of a quality management system inspired by the ISO 9001 / NFX50-900 standard. The GIS IBiSA has defined a graduation scale that allows each structure to assess its positioning and its progress in terms of structuring and quality management. If a certification process can represent an aid to the optimization of the activities of a platform, or even to its valuation, it does not constitute an eliminatory evaluation criterion for obtaining the IBiSA label.

Technological evolution
The platform must ensure the sustainability of its technological performance through active technological monitoring and an action plan for upgrading equipment and training personnel. This objective is all the better achieved as the platform supports research of a methodological nature leading to scientific publications or valorization actions (patent filing, etc.).

The human and material resources available on the platform are used for the training of students (trainees, doctoral students, etc.), engineers and technicians and for scientific and technical animation and training programs (seminars, workshops, sessions studies…).

Award of the IBiSA label
Compliance with this charter is subject to review by IBiSA's scientific council during on-site visits. The degree of openness of the platform to external teams and technological performance are major criteria for awarding and maintaining the label.