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Signalisation, radiobiologie et cancer (UMR3347 / U1021)

La pierre angulaire de la thématique de recherche de notre unité est sa vision intégrative des connaissances moléculaires et cellulaires dans un contexte physiopathologique, favorisant finalement le développement de traitements innovants contre le cancer. L'unité est située sur le site d'Orsay du centre de recherche de l'Institut Curie. Dotée d'une masse critique importante, elle concentre ses intérêts sur ses axes de recherche principaux conduisant au développement de synergies pour favoriser l'innovation et la créativité.



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6 nov
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Constant-Burg - 12 rue Lhomond, Paris 5e
Crystal ribcage: a platform for probing real-time lung function at cellular resolution in health and disease
Understanding the dynamic pathogenesis and treatment response in pulmonary diseases requires probing the lung at cellular resolution in real-time. Despite recent progress in intravital imaging, optical imaging of the lung during active respiration and circulation has remained challenging. Here, I introduce the crystal ribcage: a transparent ribcage that (i) allows truly multiscale optical imaging
25 Sep
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Hélène Martel-Massignac (BDD)
Use of advanced human lung culture models to study effects of radiotherapy
Pulmonary radiation toxicity is a main dose-limiting factor of radiotherapy for lung cancer, and manifests primarily as radiation-induced pneumonitis and fibrosis. A variety of mechanisms have been implicated in this toxicity, with a central role of DNA damage following radiation and formation of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI), resulting in cellular stress, cell death and inflammation. The ti
1 Juil
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111
Tumor-associated monocytes and neutrophils: Targets for immunotherapy?
 Our goal is to better understand the immune microenvironment in cancers using advanced methodologies, including in vivo imaging and single-cell genomics. In particular, we aim to unveil the immense potential of myeloid populations in cancers, an emerging field. Real-time intravital multi-photon microscopy provides insight into dynamic cell migration and intercellular communication. We reveal
8 Mar
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111
Solar radiation and pollution: a mitochondrial perspective.
Although the mitochondrion is central to the genotoxic stress response, it has not received the attention commensurate with its importance. Thanks to the development of novel methods for isolating and internalizing functional mitochondria as well as techniques to analyze their condition, we can now better advance our knowledge on the subject. With increasing evidence of the toxic synergy between U
20 déc
Centre de recherche - Orsay - Amphithéâtre du Bâtiment 111
Modeling of MYC-driven malignant pediatric brain tumors and novel treatment options
Fredrik Swartling is currently a Group Leader, Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor in pediatric brain tumor biology at Uppsala University. A particular focus of his lab is on generating sophisticated inducible transgenic models for molecularly-defined brain tumors or avatar models and organoids derived from human primary neuroepithelial or induced-pluripotent stem cells. The lab also uses mult
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