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Dynamique de l'information génétique : bases fondamentales et cancer (DIG-Cancer) (UMR3244)

Les équipes de cette unité ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de maintenance de l’intégrité du génome, tels que la réplication, la réparation et la recombinaison, ainsi que le rôle des mécanismes de contrôle du cycle cellulaire et de l’expression génomique non codante dans la maintenance de l’épigénome.


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Événements scientifiques
21 juin
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Hélène Martel-Massignac (BDD)
Aberrant epi-transcriptomic alterations contribute to disease progression in breast cancer brain metastasis
1.7 million women globally will face a diagnosis of breast cancer, almost 40% of whom will develop metastatic disease. Breast cancer brain metastasis are a frequent and aggressive form of metastatic spread, with treatment options limited for each of the clinically relevant molecular subtypes. Advanced breast cancer cells display exceptional plasticity, capable of adapting to sequential bouts of th
5 juin
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Constant Burg, Salle annexe 2
Innovative Computational Tools for Single-Cell Lineage Tracing : CellBarcode and scMitoMut
Lineage-tracing is crucial for understanding development, tumors, and stem cell biology. This seminar will introduce two computational tools designed to enhance single-cell lineage tracing: CellBarcode and scMitoMut. These tools address the challenges of identifying DNA sequences and mtDNA variations in single-cell lineage tracing studies.

CellBarcode is an R package that helps researchers extr
31 mai
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Marie Curie
Cutting and Pasting DNA to Create our Adaptive Immune System
V(D)J recombination is essential for generating the adaptive immune response and unlimited number of different antibodies and antigen receptors. Encoded by multiple V, D and J gene segments, antigen receptors are assembled by programmed double-stranded DNA cleavage and imprecise re-joining. RAG1/2 recombinase initiates the process by stochastically cleaving DNA at a pair of recombination signal se
30 avr
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Marie Curie
Demystifying Machine and Deep Learning and overview of their applications in biology
Artificial Intelligence is a broad term that is often misunderstood. Its subfields, such as machine and deep learning have achieved astonishing performances, such as some Large Language Models passing the Turing Test or AlphaFold offering a solution to a 50 years old problem. Because new technologies in medecine and biology generate massive amounts of high quality data (omics, images, clinicals, m
5 avr
Séminaire institutionnel "Mayent - Rothschild"
Centre de recherche - Paris - Amphithéâtre Hélène Martel-Massignac (BDD)
A garden of forking paths: branching, switching and reversal in meiotic recombination

Meiotic recombination involves repair of double strand DNA breaks by homologous recombination to form crossovers and noncrossovers. Current models suggest that different mechanisms form these two products: noncrossovers by synthesis dependent strand annealing; COs by double Holliday junction formation and resolution. In testing these predictions, we found evidence for remarkable dynami
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